Auto-bot subscriptions to our RRNest Forum

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Site Admin
Posts: 803
Joined: Tue Sep 14, 2010 2:36 pm
My Cars: 1971 GY8 Plymouth Satellite Sebring Plus
1971 GB7 Plymouth Satellite Sebring Plus factory Sunroof
1972 EV2 Plymouth Satellite Sebring Plus factory Sunroof
1974 KB5 Plymouth Road Runner GTX Dealer Announcement car
Location: Rapid City, SD

Auto-bot subscriptions to our RRNest Forum

Post by sdweatherman » Thu Sep 26, 2024 3:44 pm

Hello everyone!
Things have been a bit slow here on the Nest - but there are a few of us still lurking around. One thing I want to address is the unusual amount of new members signing up - and not posting anything since. There have been over 1500 sign ups since March. I know there are a few of you out there that just want to look - but I encourage you to throw down a single post to say hi - so that we know you are a real person, and not just one of these Bots that shows up on the forum. Starting today, I will start deleting newly opened accounts since March that have not had a single post attached to them within 2 months of being started. So if you are real, please drop the forum a quick note that you are real - and maybe let us know why you joined. Thanks!!!
1971 GY8 Plymouth Satellite Sebring Plus
1971 GB7 Plymouth Satellite Sebring Plus w/factory Sunroof
1972 EV2 Plymouth Satellite Sebring Plus w/factory Sunroof
1974 KB5 Plymouth Road Runner GTX Dealer Announcement car

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