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It was fate

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:00 am
by moparmike
WOW :shock: This idiot cuts me off just to get ahead of me in a newer mustang.....Looks over at me and gives me a snide grin as I notice he is driving and texting so he proceeds ahead me. :roll: Well as he sped away laughing and texting in my direction a lady blows a stop sign on the side street and wipes him out KABOOM and I think WOW that is where I would have been if he did not cut me off . Anyway I do not know what the worse issue was ...the lady going through a stop sign or this idiot texting while driving anyway there is 1 less Rustang in the world for sure..........YES I stopped and Yes everyone was OK but it is a good reminder of the hazards out there everytime we take our cars out for a tour.

Re: It was fate

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:56 am
by bruce
As they say, karma is a bitch... wow!

Re: It was fate

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:34 pm
by rr6pak
bruce wrote:As they say, karma is a bitch... wow!
Maybe the chick was texting as to why she blew the stop sign....if thats the case, it is karma!

Re: It was fate

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:18 am
by CtownRunner
Maybe the texters are cancelling each other out?

Re: It was fate

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:57 pm
by gcoupe72
Wow! can we vote on that? :haha:

Re: It was fate

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:18 pm
by ++Sebring++
Glad to hear you escaped damage. I'd have had a hard time not saying something to the mustang idiot.
Anymore when i see a driver going down the road looking into their cell phone, i lay on the horn.
At least it makes them look up for a second .......... :wink:

Re: It was fate

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:03 am
by Smellslike1974
Thats crazy!Im curious to know who was more In the fault,and who got punished more.Surely If the guy texting wasn't texting he could have seen the lady and took precautions.

I remember seeing this one video of youtube.This guy has a helmet cam while riding his streebike.He pulls behind a vehicle at a stop light.Some lady hits him from behind,sandwiching his bike between her vehicle and the vehicle In front of the rider launching the rider In the air a few feet.As the guy turns around the lady gets out of the car with a phone to her ear STILL talking.She then hangs up and asks If hes okay.

You gotta think.Are any of these life threatening cell phone conversations even worth It?
How heart breaking Is It to know someone lost their loved one because someone was ordering a pizza on their cell phone.

Re: It was fate

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 3:59 pm
by Diriccatiticka
Yeah, that's too bad. At least no one was hurt. I'm sure that guy will think twice next time (or at least I hope he will).

Re: It was fate

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 4:17 pm
by moparmike
I will let you know what happens as I have to go to court as a witness. I think they have both received charges her for blowing the stop sign and him for texting and driving which is a big no no around here but I do not know which one was charged with the actual crash. For sure if the guy was not on the cell phone he might have been able to avoid the accident but time will tell I am just glad that me and my SSP where spared :beer: